
60 second getting started guide

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Step 1

Create a new Google Sheet

Step 2

Find & install the SheetLink add-on 🔎

Step 3

You are ready to try your first App formula 🎉

You can start by getting live weather from any major city using this MetaWeather formula in your Google Sheet!

=MetaWeather_Location("New York")

The MetaWeather App does not require an API key. Check out the key= "options" for apps that do require authentication.

Video Tutorial




Answers to frequently asked SheetLink questions.

🔗 Apps

Explore the apps we've already built formulas for.

🛠️ Functions

Powerful functions unique to SheetLink.

💪 "options"

Control the request to and response from any application.

🚑 Need Help?

You can always contact us via support@sheet.link or by messaging us on Twitter @SheetLink

Last updated