The Web3 Operating System: Build & scale their dApps without the cost & complexity.
Moralis Google Sheets template and tutorial video coming soon!
Formulas |
=Moralis_GetBlock( "chain", "block_number_or_hash", "options") Gets the contents of a block by block hash |
=Moralis_GetBlockDate( "chain", "date", "options") Gets the closest block of the provided date |
=Moralis_GetAddressLogs( "chain", "address", "options") Gets the logs from an address |
=Moralis_GetHashTransactions( "chain", "transaction_hash", "options") Gets NFT transfers by block number or block hash |
=Moralis_GetBlockNFTTransactions( "chain", "block_number_or_hash", "options") Gets the contents of a block transaction by hash |
=Moralis_GetAddressNFTsFormatDecimal( "chain", "address", "options") Gets native transactions in descending order based on block number |
=Moralis_GetAddressTransactions( "chain", "address", "options") Gets native balance for a specific address |
=Moralis_GetAddressNativeBalance( "chain", "address", "options") Gets token balances for a specific address |
=Moralis_GetAddressTokenBalance( "chain", "address", "options") Gets ERC20 token transactions in descending order based on block number |
=Moralis_GetAddressTokenTransactions( "chain", "address", "options") Gets NFTs owned by the given address |
=Moralis_GetAddressNFTTransactions( "chain", "address", "options") Gets the transfers of the tokens matching the given parameters |
=Moralis_GetTokenMetadata( "chain", "token_address", "options") Returns metadata (name, symbol, decimals, logo) for a given token contract address. |
=Moralis_GetTokenSymbolMetadata( "chain", "symbol", "options") Returns metadata (name, symbol, decimals, logo) for a given symbol |
=Moralis_GetTokenAddressPrice( "chain", "token_address", "options") Returns the price nominated in the native token and usd for a given token contract address. |
=Moralis_GetTokenAddressTransactions( "chain", "token_address", "options") Gets ERC20 token contract transactions in descending order based on block number |
=Moralis_GetTokenAddressAllowance( "chain", "token_address", "owner_address", "spender_address", "options") Gets the amount which the spender is allowed to withdraw from the spender |
=Moralis_GetNFTSearch( "chain", "query", "options") Gets NFTs that match a given metadata search. |
=Moralis_GetContractNFTs( "chain", "contract_address", "options") Gets data, including metadata (where available), for all token ids for the given contract address. |
=Moralis_GetContractNFTTransfers( "chain", "contract_address", "options") Gets the transfers of the tokens matching the given parameters |
=Moralis_GetContractNFTOwners( "chain", "contract_address", "options") Gets all owners of NFT items within a given contract collection |
=Moralis_GetContractNFTMetadata( "chain", "contract_address", "options") Gets the contract level metadata (name, symbol, base token uri) for the given contract |
=Moralis_GetContractNFTToken( "chain", "contract_address", "token_id", "options") Gets data, including metadata (where available), for the given token id of the given contract address. |
=Moralis_GetContractNFTTokenOwners( "chain", "contract_address", "token_id", "options") Gets all owners of NFT items within a given contract collection |
=Moralis_GetContractNFTTokenTransfers( "chain", "contract_address", "token_id", "options") Gets the transfers of the tokens matching the given parameters |
=Moralis_GetDomainResolved( "currency", "domain", "options") Resolves an Unstoppable domain and returns the address |
=Moralis_GetLiquidityReserves( "chain", "pair_address", "options") Get the liquidity reserves for a given pair address |
=Moralis_GetPairAddress( "chain", "exchange", "token0_address", "token1_address", "options") Fetches and returns pair data of the provided token0+token1 combination. The token0 and token1 options are interchangable (ie. there is no different outcome in "token0=WETH and token1=USDT" or "token0=USDT and token1=WETH") |
Developers can review the official Moralis Documentation 📖
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Note that "options" are optional, other variables are required 👍
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💪 "options" Control the request to and response from any application. |
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