
Control the request to and response from any application.

All "options" must be a cell reference (B2), a cell range (B2:D2), or comma separated in double quotes ("option1","option2")

Example 1 (simple)


API Request "options"

The below "options" are sent along with the request to your application.


API Key (set, reset or query)

"key=reset" (reset API key)

"key=?" (query API key)

** "key=MY-KEY" (**careful, key is saved to sheet history)

The alternative "🔐 Authentication" method is recommended

Payload (JSON format)


"{'pie':{'cook_time':'20 Min','temp_degrees':'350'}}"

Payload (base64 encode)


cURL (or =cURL formula)


Headers (JSON format)



Content Type


"contentType=application/json" (default if blank)

URL Parameters





"method=GET" (default if no Payload)

"method=POST" (default if Payload)

API Response "options"

The below "options" are used to format the app's JSON API response.


Response Headers

"rawHeaders" (returns raw /QUERY headers)

"/QUERY" ("rawHeaders" to query)

"noHeaders" (return data without headers)

Response Data

"inheritParents" (inherit JSON parent elements)

"truncateValues" (shorten response values)

"debugLocation" (row & column with values)

Raw Response Data (advanced)

"*" (return raw JSON response)

"*/QUERY" (query raw JSON response)

"*?" (request options with response)

"$QUERY" (JSON Path-Plus query)

You can try the SheetLink pre-built app formulas, or our =API("options") to interact with any application API.



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