
Use the Airtable API to create, read, update, and destroy records in your Airtable Base.

Review the official Airtable API Documentation 📖

Note that "options" are optional, other variables are required 👍


=Airtable( "options")

Interact with the Airtable API using only the SheetLink "options"

=Airtable_GetAll("base_id" ,"table_name" ,"options")

Retrieve all existing records in a defined table.

=Airtable_Get( "base_id" ,"table_name", "record_id" ,"options")

Retrieve an existing record in a defined table.

=Airtable_Delete( "base_id" ,"table_name", "record_id" ,"options")

Delete an existing record in a defined table.

=Airtable_Update( "base_id" ,"table_name", "record" ,"options")

Update an existing record in a defined table. ("record" must be in JSON format and include the record_id of the record to update)

=Airtable_Create( "base_id" ,"table_name", "record" ,"options")

Create a new record in a defined table. ("record" must be in JSON format)

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🛠️ Functions

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💪 "options"

Control the request to and response from any application.

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