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Review the official CoinMarketCap Documentation 📖
Note that "options" are optional, other variables are required 👍
=CoinMarketCap( "options")
Interact with the CoinMarketCap API using only the SheetLink "options"
=CoinMarketCap_QuotesLatest( "options")
Returns the latest market quote for 1 or more cryptocurrencies.
=CoinMarketCap_QuotesLatestQuerySymbol( "symbol", "options")
Returns the latest market quote for 1 or more cryptocurrencies by querying a cryptocurrency symbol such as "BTC".
=CoinMarketCap_QuotesLatestQuerySlug( "slug", "options")
Returns the latest market quote for 1 or more cryptocurrencies by querying a cryptocurrency slug such as "bitcoin".
=CoinMarketCap_QuotesLatestQueryId( "id", "options")
Returns the latest market quote for 1 or more cryptocurrencies by querying a CoinMarketCap id such as "1".
=CoinMarketCap_MarketPairsLatest( "options")
Lists all active market pairs that CoinMarketCap tracks for a given cryptocurrency or fiat currency.
=CoinMarketCap_MarketPairsLatestQuerySymbol( "symbol", "options")
Lists all active market pairs that CoinMarketCap tracks for a given cryptocurrency or fiat currency by querying a cryptocurrency symbol.
=CoinMarketCap_MarketPairsLatestQuerySlug( "slug", "options")
Lists all active market pairs that CoinMarketCap tracks for a given cryptocurrency or fiat currency by querying a cryptocurrency slug.
=CoinMarketCap_MarketPairsLatestQueryId( "id", "options")
Lists all active market pairs that CoinMarketCap tracks for a given cryptocurrency or fiat currency by querying a cryptocurrency id.
=CoinMarketCap_Airdrops( "options")
Returns a list of past, present, or future airdrops which have run on CoinMarketCap.
=CoinMarketCap_Airdrop( "id", "options")
Returns information about a single airdrop available on CoinMarketCap. Includes the cryptocurrency metadata.
=CoinMarketCap_TrendingGainersLosers( "options")
Returns a paginated list of all trending cryptocurrencies, determined and sorted by the largest price gains or losses.
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